If you landed on this post because your insurer informed you that we have been appointed as your legal counsel, rest assured that you are not the first person to have questions about our role.
Maybe you were in a car accident and someone has sued you, or maybe you had an oil spill at your home or business and now your insurance company is looking to recover money paid out to you from some other party. There are numerous situations that might trigger our involvement, and they all stem from you...
legal thoughts
Subrogation – has nothing to do with subs, bros, or…gation?
News stories frequently surface which tug at readers’ heartstrings. Landlord sues tenant whose unattended candle burned the apartment down. Property owner sues estate of driver who was killed when his car ran into a cottage. Multinational corporation sues small-town local business for shoddy roof repairs.
Often these stories are accompanied by descriptions of the dismay and consternation experienced by the defendant in these cases.
While those of us in the insurance industry are nodding sa...
The barbarians at the legal gate
That is how the CEO of one of the UK’s new-model law firms was introduced at a recent conference. http://bit.ly/14shDt1
While it may be amusing to picture us at C3 Legal wielding pitchforks and cudgels, there is a grain of truth to the “radical departure from the norm” spectre. We have decided that at our firm, investing in technology will take priority over investing in high-rent real estate. We have decided that we will act exclusively for insurers. We have decided that we will not be inter...